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Everything you need in one plan.
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Everything in Free plan
10 Autosave drafts/page
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10 Autosave drafts/page
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Frequently Asked Questions

Pricing questions

How will I be billed if I subscribe to a plan?
All transactions to Webfly are online and through a safe channel. We accept payments only through Visa, Mastercard, and PayPal.
Can I change or cancel plans?
Yes. All plans are available month-to-month, so you can cancel or change your plan at any time.
Do you offer refunds?
We don’t offer refunds. You can choose a free plan and upgrade to a premium whenever you’re ready!
Do you offer any discounts for nonprofit organizations?
Yes. Tell us more about your nonprofit and get 6 months silver plan for free.

Popular questions

How is Webfly different from other e-commerce platforms?
Webfly has a free plan that gives you all the basic tools without any credit card. Webfly can also be integrated to your current website without needing to start over
Are there any additional charges to integrate payment partners to my site?
No, we do not charge for any integrations. You can add multiple payment partners to your ecommerce site with absolute ease, and no extra charges.
Do you charge any extra money for cancellations?
No, you can cancel your subscription anytime you want. We do not charge you any money for your cancellations. You can also start off with our free plan and then upgrade to a subscription plan later if you want to try out Webfly before investing money here.
Why should I buy a subscription plan?
Our subscription plan offer features like added pages, consultant support, and autosave options. You also save up on transactional fees if you opt for an yearly subscription plan.

Security and Privacy

What about security?
Your customers’ payment information is completely safe at Webfly. All sensitive information always is transmitted via secure HTTPS channel.
Do I get consultant support?
You can avail to our customer support at any time, but consultant support from our ecommerce consultant are only part of our paid subscriptions. It includes 4 sessiions lasting upto 45 minutes valid for the first 6 months of your subscription.
Does Webfly offer any additional services to help me grow my business?
Yes! We offer promotional services that help you get better product listings and boost sales. For more information on our added benefits, contact our reliable customer support.

Other FAQs

Can I change my domain name later?
Yes, you can change your domain name whenever you feel like it. We do have a limit of three changes per year, to avoid fake websites from popping up on our platform.
Do I need to know design and coding to build my website?
Not at all. You can choose from a wide range of templates, themes, and colors to help make a custom website that fits your business. No knowledge of coding or design is needed to build a website with Webfly.
How much traffic can a webfly site handle?
We support upto 2 million conversions per day without any glitches. We confirm 99% uptime ti help you run your business smoothly.
Can I record all my sales and payments on the site?
Yes, Webfly is a secure platform that helps you keep all of your customer data safe with absolute ease.

Pricing questions

How will I be billed if I subscribe to a plan?
All transactions to Webfly are online and through a safe channel. We accept payments only through Visa, Mastercard, and PayPal.
Can I change or cancel plans?
Yes. All plans are available month-to-month, so you can cancel or change your plan at any time.
Do you offer refunds?
We don’t offer refunds. You can choose a free plan and upgrade to a premium whenever you’re ready!
Do you offer any discounts for nonprofit organizations?
Yes. Tell us more about your nonprofit and get 6 months silver plan for free.

Popular questions

How is Webfly different from other e-commerce platforms?
Webfly has a free plan that gives you all the basic tools without any credit card. Webfly can also be integrated to your current website without needing to start over
Are there any additional charges to integrate payment partners to my site?
No, we do not charge for any integrations. You can add multiple payment partners to your ecommerce site with absolute ease, and no extra charges.
Do you charge any extra money for cancellations?
No, you can cancel your subscription anytime you want. We do not charge you any money for your cancellations. You can also start off with our free plan and then upgrade to a subscription plan later if you want to try out Webfly before investing money here.
Why should I buy a subscription plan?
Our subscription plan offer features like added pages, consultant support, and autosave options. You also save up on transactional fees if you opt for an yearly subscription plan.